RICCI Worldwide
Headquarters, Sales and Administration offices Manufacturing, Distribution Via A. Colombo, 128 - 21055 Gorla Minore (VA) Italia
Tel. +39 0331 368811 - Fax +39 0331 365759
Av. José Fortunato Santon, 516 - Dist. Ind. Abdo Najar CEP:13.474-750 - Americana-SP - BRASIL
Web: www.fratelliricci.com.br - E-mail: info@fratelliricci.com.br Tel: + 55 19 3476-1294
N.1369 Shengxing Wes Road - Baoding Hemei - PRC
Tel. 0086 312 5957908 - Fax 0086 312 5957 909
Textile Auxiliaries Distributor 95-081 Dłutów, 1a Glowna str
Tel. +48 44 634 02 19 - Fax +48 44 634 02 89 - web: www.enzymes.com.pl
With the constant presence of a large number of agents supported by qualified technical assistance, we maintain an high level of effectiveness on market, combined with an high quality service.
The increasing presence of RICCI on international markets its due to its good commercial organisation. The search for new market grown is also developed thank to agreements with local companies, based on solid commercial and productive partnerships.
Starting from the achieved results, we want on nearest future to consolidate and expand our market and strengthen at international level the company image. This big ambitions can become real also thank to further investment in men and technology.